The work continues at FATEB’s Leadership Center! The center is able to be used now as the North wing is almost completed. The conference rooms are completed and 8 of the guest rooms are completed and six of them have been used. Solar power has been installed for the guest rooms and more solar power is to come for the kitchen and south wing.
FATEB is grateful to God and to the donors that provided a new bus for FATEB after their van had been totaled in an accident. The bus is used to transport visitors and students and is vital to the operation of FATEB.
A dedication service was held on Saturday, February 1st. It was followed by the “maiden voyage” around the city of Bangui, Central African Republic.
Nupanga, the doyen, of FATEBMaiden voyage of the new bus around the city of Bangui
The loud clap of colliding, crunching metal left the driver temporarily in a coma and all that was left of the van was an unrecognizable heap of scrap metal. After twelve years of faithful service, the van was gone and along with it all means of transport for FATEB Seminary in the Central African Republic.
On Behalf of the leadership of the Bangui Evangelical School of Theology I am writing to share with you the immediate need to replace the FATEB van and to ask that you prayerfully consider providing assistance.
Background on Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (FATEB).
FATEB, is an Evangelical Christian educational institution that is equipping leaders for churches and Christian outreach in French Africa. There, Christian churches are in enormous need of
well-trained Evangelical leaders. Students come from west and central Africa to study at FATEB’s main campus in Bangui, Central African Republic and at its branch campus in Yaounde, Cameroon. Through its educational programs, FATEB has been graduating leaders
to serve a population of 325 million people for 42 years.
For the past 12 years, a donated 13-passenger van, has transported students and family members to local hospitals and clinics when they needed medical care. Visiting professors and other friends
of the school have been received, chauffeured to and from the International Airport. Construction supplies and school equipment have been purchased and transported to campus in this van. It has been critical to the operation of the institution.
This past August, the van was involved in a crash that seriously injured the driver and demolished the van. Since then, the school has been without transportation, compromising both the health
of campus personnel and the smooth operation of the administration.
A 13 passenger replacement van can be purchased locally with all import taxes paid for $45,000. The school’s spartan budget cannot accommodate the purchase of such a van that is so greatly
needed. A small amount of money has been received for a new van, but the majority of the replacement cost is still lacking.
Would you be willing to consider contributing to the purchase of a new van for FATEB?
Donations can be made by check to Mtelo Ministries, mailed to 302 W 5th Street Suite 210, San Pedro, California 90731 or on-line at
Mtelo, a faith-based 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, is a fiscal sponsor for the Seminary, assesses no fees, and sends your entire contribution to FATEB.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at 310-739-5710 should you have any questions.
Thank you so much for your past support of FATEB, your prayers and your consideration of this request.
By His Grace Alone,
Deborah Berg
On behalf of Dr. Nupanga Weanzana Wa Weanzana, President of FATEB
This past July heavy rainfall flooded areas of Nepal once again as we reported earlier. Mtelo Ministries reached out with assistance to one of the harder hit areas. With financial assistance, an Mtelo partner on the ground there, was able to purchase and distribute rice and cooking gas. 150 people received 30KG rice sacks each. Here is an excerpt of a letter from one of the benefactors.
“We are from the poor family and we used to work for other’s farm for food for the family. My husband used to work for the brick factory and bring food for the children.
In last July, immediately flood came to our village and a big river came near our small hut almost at Mid night. I immediately woke up and awoke all the children and we run to the safe place to save lives. My husband was out of home for work for 3 days.
From the floods time he is out of contact and we could not find him. It’s been almost 2 months but he is not at home. Our children are 10,7,4 and 1yrs old.
Now days most of our times spending with tears. No food at home, house damaged by the floods and 2 children are suffering from the flue after floods.
Last week I have got a 30 KG of rice sack with other community people. I was happy for I got food for the children for few weeks. Thank you.”
Mtelo Ministries is grateful to those who have sent contributions to help those in need of food and shelter.
Cooking gas given to flood victims
Sacks of rice distributed to flood victimsFlood victims with rice sacks.
The work continues at the Annex Guesthouse-Cameroon
John and the SIL employees of the CAM Shop are converting two guestrooms at the Annex Guesthouse into suites with their own private bathrooms.
The CAM Shop Employees with John.Breaking up the wall to add a door into the bathroom
Fabrice and Calvin are preparing the bathroom shower walls for tile. Armstrong is building the wall that separates the private bathroom from the shared bathrooms.
Preparing the shower walls for tile.Building a wall separating the shower stall
Tiling the private bathroom, installing the ceiling in the guest bedrooms and they are burying the plumbing in the wall of the building. The building is made of mud, bamboo, and wood framing. The construction is called pota pota here. They had the water lines under pressure for 24 hours to check for leaks before they covered it up with concrete.
Tiling the bathroomInstalling the ceiling
Finished product-job well done!
Guesthouse suite with private bathroomPrivate bathroom!
Below is an excerpt from one of John and Marilyn’s prayer letters.
Dear Prayer Warriors,
As I sit outside on
our little patio area, there is a gentle breeze blowing-so welcoming-just as
the people here are. We feel at home and
our enjoying wonderful reunions with Cameroonians and missionaries alike. Despite the joyful reunions, many have a
heavy heart for their loved ones living in NW and SW Cameroon. Please read the following which will explain
the heavy hearts and our prayer request.
We have an urgent prayer request for the country of Cameroon. Many of you may not know of the conflicts and bloodshed going on in the NW and SW of Cameroon. I won’t go into the politics of it all, but unspeakable atrocities are happening everyday to innocent people, like what occurred in Central Africa Republic several years ago and continues in certain regions of the country. Mission agencies in Cameroon have had to tell their missionaries serving in those regions to evacuate to a safer area of the country. These missionaries did not want to leave not only their villages and homes but their people group that they were serving and their dear believer friends and Bible translators. Homes are being burned, people are hiding in the bush for safety, innocent people are being killed.
Last Friday morning, we gathered together at SIL (part of
Wycliffe), Cameroonians and missionaries, to worship and pray for the country. It
was the most meaningful time of worship and prayer I have ever experienced!!
We would read Scripture, pray, sing and pray some more. Collectively, we fell
on our knees, prostrate before the Lord, crying out to God, weeping together
for the mothers and fathers who have lost their children, mourning for the loss
of lives and the trauma people are experiencing, asking God to intervene and to
be glorified through it all. Satan comes to seek and destroy, but we know God
is and always will be the victor.
So, my prayer request is that you will pray for Cameroon, to pray as we did, for the people suffering, for the believers to stand firm in Christ, for comfort to those who have lost loved ones, that God would intervene and stop the war and God be glorified! I, also, ask that you pray for these missionaries that had to re-locate, the trauma and pain of leaving their people groups, and the Bible translators they work with. Pray that God would heal their pain and they would see His hand and purpose in their lives right now.
Thank you for taking time to read this. Our jobs are going well, busy like you. Praying that we will use our time wisely but, also, to take time to build relationships and really listen to people. My devotions this morning mentioned that time is a precious commodity. Wherever Jesus went He was sensitive to people’s needs and reached out in love to them. “If the Lord allowed Himself to be interrupted on the way to the cross, will He not also stop and listen when we call out to Him in our distress?” To follow in His footsteps, I must be willing to be interrupted, to reach out in love and give of my time to others that are hurting and in need. Please pray that I will do that.
Thank you for your prayers, they are needed and appreciated
more than you know.
Occasionally, Mtelo Ministries Board Members will serve or work with other Mission Agencies. In January of 2019 – April 2019, John and Marilyn Roughley worked in co-operation with SIL in Yaoundé Cameroon.
John will serve as the CAM (Construction and Maintenance) Shop Manager, working with the CAM Shop employees. He and his men are in charge of maintaining all the missionary compounds, individual missionary housing as well as all the SIL offices. This is in John’s wheelhouse and he really enjoys serving God and the missionaries in this capacity. John has a wonderful relationship with his men and he leads a Bible Study with them every Monday morning before they begin work. I will be helping out at the Annex Guest House, assessing repairs that need to be done to spruce the place up and welcoming guests, mostly missionaries, and serving them as needed. I enjoy serving them, praying with them, getting to know them and listening to their stories of their challenges and joys. God has given me the opportunity to teach English to some of the French speaking Cameroonian SIL employees. I always enjoy this and I am always challenged and blessed by the students. It is my privilege to work in a neighborhood Bible Club this year run by a godly Cameroonian woman with the assistance of two missionaries. Children are my heartbeat and loving them and telling them about the Lord is one of my greatest joys.
Please pray that God will provide us with the abilities needed for our ministry and that we will give all the praise and glory to God! It is His work, not ours, we are just His vessel. Please pray Ephesians 4: 1-3 with us. Paul writes “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord , entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
My heart is full! Leaving is always bittersweet-I am missing and longing to see my family, my daughters, my grandchildren but I am not ready to say goodbye to the folks here. The many faces of FATEB: Dr. Nupanga, the doyen of FATEB, a well- known theologian and our friend; Christopher and Marcelline, our dear friends- the chaplain and the directrice of the women’s school and head of hospitality; Marcelline, Gertrude and Blanche-three teachers at the women’s school that I am honored to call my friends; Esther, who has an infectious laugh and smile and keeps my house squeaky clean; Joel, my son, the young man who helps me with the children’s program and teen boys program; the children who love without condition and bring such joy, the teen boys who love sports; Yolande, my friend and translator for the teen girls program; the teen girls who sing with exuberance, pray with zeal and are always laughing and smiling , the seminary students who have a passion for learning and following God’s call on their lives, the women-my sisters – my friends, the community of believers here who have made us part of their family; my English students who make class fun and challenging. I love and will miss them all. Hope the pictures give you a glimpse of the people and the place we love so much!
I will even miss the crazy taxi rides where you share the
taxi with 6 or 7 other people, two in the front seat, not including the driver,
and as many as you can fit in the back sitting on laps of others you don’t
know; going to the bakery to get bread, the crazy traffic filled with taxi’s,
motorcycles and people walking in between all of it as they all drive around
the ruts in the road. As a missionary once old us, you know the drunk drivers
because they are the only ones driving straight. (no pics as you can’t take
pictures in the city).
As I walked over to married housing last night in the dark
to say some final goodbyes, children were out drawing water, many were sleeping
on mats outside on the ground because it was too hot to sleep inside ( the
housing provides two small bedrooms and most families average 5 – 7 children with other family members living
with them) , women were washing dishes outside by flashlight or candle light
(electricity was out), men were talking together. I stopped at one house where
they were all sitting inside, 8 children and the parents, singing together,
playing the guitar, drum and tambourine, praising God together in Lingala. It was beautiful, I could have listened all
night. I was struck by the realization
that I never hear any of the students complain about the inconveniences, the
challenges and struggles of their everyday life. What I do hear is their gratefulness to God
for another day to be alive, to serve Him, for their family, for their
opportunity to study God’s Word and their confidence that God will provide and thankfulness
to God for His protection and grace and their vision for the future ministry.
To our family at home-we love you so much and can’t wait to see you! To our prayer partners, thank you for praying! To God, all honor and praise; thank you for your protection, mercy, undeserved grace and love on us and toward us. We pray YOUR light and love shone through!!
Love, John and Marilyn
Dr. Nupanga, the Doyen of FATEBChristopher and MarcellineView of the Infirmary and PreschoolThe etageThe etage, where many students and their families live.
Just thought I would give a brief update on our time here as
it is winding down. I leave to come home
March 16th. John will be
flying on to Yaoundé, Cameroon to work for SIL for three weeks on a special
project. He will then return to Bangui and wrap things up here and then come
home. Pease be in prayer for him while he is gone.
John and I (mostly John) have had several meetings with Dr. Nupanga looking at the challenges of an aging infrastructure. Items that have been addressed is providing better internet access for the students as well as the faculty, providing water on a more consistent basis, and looking at solar power for the library. John, as well as others on the Mtelo board, have worked on a grant request for several different projects. First, John and Nupanga have been exploring solar power and we are planning our first solar project. Funds have been requested funds in a grant proposal to convert the library from commercial power to solar power. FATEB hopes to begin this project this summer if the grant is approved. We have received pricing to install a campus wide WI-FI system which will also be powered using solar.
As part of the grant request, we have also requested funds
from foundations to replace old galvanized water lines (which have closed) with
plastic water lines in eleven residential buildings. These building include 24 apartments in
married housing, 6 duplexes and the single student housing building. These supply lines have rusted, and the flow
is restricted to a trickle. As a result, there is either no water or very
limited water pressure. Students are
required to draw water from several locations around the campus. This project will provide for the restoration
of indoor plumbing for the married and student housing as well as the increased
pressure for the duplexes. Pray that the funds will be granted.
Work continues at the Leadership Center; door frames have
been made and installed and they are currently working on making and installing
the window frames. Water has been hooked
up to the building. The Lord has
provided the workers; all glory to God.
I have been enjoying my time with the children’s
program. It is so encouraging to watch
and listen to the children recite the memory verses from heart. We always ask
questions after the Bible story to make sure they understand what they have
heard and to answer any questions. Then
off to coloring with such jubilation! The teen girls continue to amaze me. One of the teen girls, Gratia, will lead the
singing and then after a few songs she takes us into a time of prayer. So awesome to see these girls mature in the
Lord and take leadership roles. I have
known Gratia since she was very young, and she has been coming to the teen girl
program since 2012. Her mother is the
director of the ecole maternelle-the kindergarten school and pre-school and her
father is a professor here at FATEB. I am amazed at their insight when we ask
them questions relating to the devotions. The teen boys have welcomed me, we
have a great time together-and they are willing to learn any craft I offer,
which has been a challenge for my brain. We then end with a game of soccer or
basketball. Please continue to pray for
all these children and teens that they will continue to grow in their faith and
in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
I always enjoy my time with the women in the women’s
school. They have such steadfast faith
and inner joy. Please pray for them in their challenges of raising children
here in difficult situations.
My time with the English class is also coming to an end and
I will miss our time together. We are
already talking about next year. We have
been working on sharing their testimony in English. As Bible translators they often must raise
funds to attend conferences or for special projects, so it would be helpful if
they are able to write it in English when requesting funds from
westerners. Currently they write the
request, and someone edits it and then translates it for them. They would like to one day write it
themselves. Please pray for the
translation work so thousands more will have the gospel in their own language.
Pray for the theological students here as they study and
then return to lead their churches in the truth of God’s Word and spread the
good news. Psalm 86:9 “All nations whom
thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and they shall
glorify Thy name.”
I had the privilege to watch two SIL missionary children for
10 days while their parents were in a spiritual retreat. They were such a delight and it was a real
treat for me. Pray for the SIL missionaries and the challenges they face living
and raising children here in Bangui and around the world.
Please pray for John and me as we were asked to lead chapel
on Friday. I will be leading the singing
(fortunately one does not need a good voice to do this-just enthusiasm) and
reading the Scripture and John will be preaching. While he and I have already done that in the
English service here-there are usually only about 20 people, chapel is in front
of the entire student body-yikes!! John doesn’t mind getting up there, but my
nerves will be on edge-pray for calmness and peace for me and that the Holy
Spirit will speak through John.
Thank you again for your prayers. It is such an encouragement to know people
are praying for us. We pray that we will
see others through the eyes of Jesus and love as Jesus loves.
John and Marilyn
Some of the girls receiving their yarnColoring their Bible story pictureInstalling the window framesWomen’s School
We woke early one morning to an amazing African thunderstorm a week or so ago. The temperatures tumbled 20 degrees into the low 80’s that day-what a wonderful, refreshing, sweet relief from the oppressive heat we had been experiencing. Thank you, Lord, -it was truly heaven-sent.
We had been experiencing a week of temperatures in the 100’s with only electricity about 10% of the time that week-so no fans. The water issue became increasingly worse, we were without running water from 7:00 in the morning until around 6:00 in the evening. We learned to fill our buckets every night to get us through the next day. We had been praying for relief from the heat, for water and electricity. One morning while having devotions I was reading when Paul asked God to relieve him from the “thorn” in his side and all the imprisonment and torturing etc. God answered him not as he had expected. God said to him” My grace is sufficient.” That morning God said to me “My grace is sufficient.” Now, I am in no way comparing our situation to that of Paul’s-only to say that when I focus my requests on temporal needs I find I miss the deeper spiritual work God wants to do in me.
One night when we had run out of water, we walked around to
all the water sources-all to no avail. Everything was empty. At the back of the campus an elderly,
displaced woman who lives in a little metal shack at the back of the campus, offered
us her container of water. We were so
humbled but graciously declined. On our way back to our house, Joel, a young
man, took my bucket and ran outside of FATEB looking for water. He returned empty-handed. Our neighbor noticed and within minutes sent
his son to our house with a bucket of their water. We were so humbled by their genuine love and
concern and willingness to share what little they had with us. The community of believers here, the students
and their families, live out their faith daily, we see them sharing what little
they have with those in need. They are the hands and feet of Jesus! I pray that
we are demonstrating our faith in such a way that only Jesus is seen and that
we are His hands and feet and showing His love to a lost world in need of a
Savior and sharing with those in need here at FATEB. I John 3 :18 “… let us not love in word or
tongue, but in deed and truth.”
I Peter 1:22 “Since you have in obedience to the truth,
purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren fervently love one
another from the heart,”
The work continues at the Leadership center and the programs
for the children, teen girls, teen boys and women’s school continue, English
class continues to challenge and stretch me – all glory to God! Water situation
is better now-thank you Lord.