Mtelo offers a Program for Teen Girls
The teen girl program started last Monday night. These girls are beautiful, inside and out. Our message was on being a daughter of the King and what that means. Then they made a craft that says” daughter of the King” (“fille du Roi” in French) for their doorknobs and then the greatly anticipated moment when they were able to choose their yarn and knitting needles. I would not be able to do this without my friend and translator, Yolande, to whom I am deeply grateful. Each week we have a time of singing and praying, devotional time and then the girls make a craft to remind them of the devotions. It is fun to see their creativity and personalities and to watch them growing into young ladies. One of the young ladies has been coming for many years. Her dad teaches here at FATEB so they have lived on campus for many years. The others girls come and go as their fathers and mothers complete their degree. It is always sad to return and they are gone but it is wonderful to get to know new girls. On Valentine’s Day we talked about God’s unconditional love for them. The night the girls made necklaces and bracelets the lesson was on God giving us a “Clean Slate”. Our last night our topic was “We Need Each Other” and the girls had to help each other braiding their embroidery floss to make a pendant.