called B.E.S.T. in English, abbreviation for

Dear friends,
Warm greetings from our colleagues in Bangui .  We have some
sobering news to share with you today that directly impacts FATEB.
Ten days ago the highly respected New England Journal of Medicine published an article called, “Africa in the path of COVID-19.” Its authors wrote, “Africa has so far been largely spared the kind of impact that has thrown China, the United States, and Europe into chaos.”  But, “the numbers from Africa are like the early drops of rain before the clouds
open up. Despite the slow arrival of COVID-19, a storm is building, and the 1.2 billion people living in Africa are at tremendous risk.”
Central African Republic is now experiencing what these scientists predicted.  The rate of infections is picking up speed.  In the past few days it went from one case to eight to twenty two and yesterday to fifty known cases. 
These numbers are, so far, insignificant compared to the devastation wrought by COVID-19 in other parts of the world.  But, because of the fragile health of so many people in C.A.R., combined with a weak health system of the country, the epidemic could explode very quickly with devastating consequences.
For the past two weeks the country has already been under a partial lock-down.  Schools, including FATEB, churches, and businesses have been closed.  However, more stringent confinement measures may be necessary to slow the spread of this deadly virus.
FATEB’s general manager, Dr. Paul Mpindi writes, “At FATEB we are confronted with the practical but hard reality of personnel salaries. The school is closed to the theology students and to the more than 3,000 children and youth in the general education programs.  Our facilities and guest rooms may not be rented out. How can we continue to pay salaries when all sources of local income have dried up?”
President Dr. Nupanga, with the General Manager, writes, “We have decided to reduce the salaries of the leadership by 50%, 40%, and 30% according to seniority. We have also laid off non-essential workers and reduced most of our daily expenses except for water and electricity.
“Given the seriousness of the situation, we wonder if you could consider making a gift to help us cover the cost of salaries for seminary teachers and for water and electricity for our employees.
“We know that COVID-19 is having a negative impact on the world’s economy, but your small sacrificial gift will go a long way here at the seminary where a single dollar does a lot.
“Thank you for praying and supporting us during these trying times.  Persevering through this pandemic is hard on us all. But we thank God for the way you and others have sustained this institution of Christian education and leadership training for the past 43 years.  You have also greatly encouraged the men and women who have taught and mentored and served its students as well.
Many blessings!
Rev. Dr Nupanga Weanzana, PhD
President FATEB/C.A.R.     If you wish to assist FATEB through this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may make a gift to FATEB through its IRS approved fiscal agent below: www.mteloministries.org for “FATEB COVID-19
assistance” Or, you may send a check made out to Mtelo Ministries.
Memo: “FATEB COVID-19 assistance”
Address: Mtelo Ministries, 302 W. 5th St. Suite 210, San Pedro, CA 90731  

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